Maybelline lost its relevance in market. By focussing on issues that matter to the core target group, Maybelline positions itself as a partner in everyday situations.
Decroative cosmetics are not used to beautify oneself any more, but as a tool to reach unique moments. It creates confidence there is a solid partner backing you up.
Because this is #whatmatters
Decroative cosmetics are not used to beautify oneself any more, but as a tool to reach unique moments. It creates confidence there is a solid partner backing you up.
Because this is #whatmatters
Year: 2017 // Client: Maybelline New York // Team: Hendrik van Amstel, Kevin Mohr, Katja Milashenko, Ümüt Yildiz, Anna Dalege // Profs: Richard Jung, Thorsten Kraus // Cooporation: McCann Worldgroup